Friday, March 20, 2009

Memos and E-mails, Reports, and Letters

Now that you have seen what types of writing skills are related to Accounting, here are some tips and strategies for writing Memos and E-mails, Reports, and Letters.

Memos: As you know, memos are used for communication within an organization. Memos may be of any length and may be less formal than letters written to people outside the organization. However, well-written memos should contain the same qualities as a good letter. These include clarity, coherence, consciousness and courtesy. Today, memos are written in the form of E-mails. Here are some things to consider while writing an E-mail:
-Address message carefully
-Create appropriate salutation, closing, and signature block
-Make your point clearly

Reports: A report usually invloves analysis of an accounting problem and application of some accounting principles. Reports vary in length, but all reports should meet the basic requirements:
-Accounting content should be accurate
-Organized ideas
-Report should be presented attractively
-Writing style should be simple and precise

Letters: Accountants would write letters to a number of different people during their careers. Some would include clients, government agencies, and fellow partners. They may write letters seeking information on a client's tax information or information needed for an audit. They may also write letters to communicate an accounting problem within the business. Good letters contain correct, complete information, and are written for a specific audience.

Hope these tips help, keep them in mind as you write!